10 Ways to Truly Unplug
Anyone else feel like their phone is starting to become a third hand? Yup, we thought so. That’s why it’s so vital for us all to pay attention to the amount of time we are spending on our devices.
It’s no surprise that recent studies have shown we spend 50 percent of our lives staring at screens. Especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, when many of us are spending more time indoors and in front of screens than normal.
In fact, plugging in and tuning out has become such a habit that there’s actually an awareness day, the National Day of Unplugging, aimed at raising awareness of our tech obsession.
And we can’t ignore the importance of unplugging. Studies have shown the simple act of unplugging for a few hours each day can strengthen interpersonal communication and your relationships; boost creativity and focus; de-stress and calm anxiety; and, of course, give us a deeper sense of gratitude.
We can’t think of a better time to unplug — and unwind — than from sundown Friday, March 5, to sundown Saturday, March 6, on the National Day of Unplugging. And to help you make the most of it, we’ve compiled seven tech-free ways you can spend your day — and rediscover your inner peace and joy:
- Spur Your Creativity: Spend some time daydreaming (yes, going to your happy place is a real thing), meditating, journaling or even just doodling. Even 15 minutes of this kind of mental escape can help you relieve stress and find much-needed balance.
- Tune Into Nature: One of the best ways to ensure you are centered and engaged in the present is to be out of the house and in nature. Take in the sounds, the scent of fresh air and the feeling of the sun on your skin. Nature is amazing for the mind, body and spirit — just don’t forget the SPF! (Want to bring some nature inside? Learn all about houseplants that heal your skin here.)
- Get Active: Too chilly to venture outside? Stimulate your mind by getting active in your house. Stretch, do some jumping jacks, try a yoga workout or bust out some push ups — anything you enjoy that gets your body moving. Regular exercise is good for more than your body shape and physical health — it’s a natural stress reliever and boosts your mental capacity. Just don’t forget to hydrate! (Find out how hydration helps your skin, here.)
- Play Your Favorite Music: Instead of having your television on all day on the weekend (sorry Netflix!), opt for playing music instead. Music can enhance focus, promote creativity and relax the mind. And who doesn’t love a little spontaneous dancing?
- Talk to Someone: What a concept! Meet a friend for a walk or cup of tea. We need human interaction, and while our devices do help us to connect they should never replace the real thing.
- Read a Book: Too much screen time is wreaking havoc on our eyes, posture, mental state — and skin. Taking a break from the screen to read a book, newspaper or magazine is a nice way to still get information and enjoyment — but without the physical strain (including that pesky and harmful Blue Light) induced by an electronic device.
- Tackle a Project: Our devices might also keep us from tackling projects that would fill us with a sense of accomplishment. From organizing your closet and making a generous donation to Goodwill to rearranging your furniture, cleaning out your fridge or even putting together a puzzle, who doesn’t love checking something off their list?
For more ways to celebrate the National Day of Unplugging with self care, click here.
Concerned about the effect so much screen time might be having on your skin? Contact us today for a personalized consultation with one of our A360 clinical aestheticians.