☘️ Great Skin is More Than Luck ☘️
We all have that one friend or family member with incredible skin that seems to appear ageless or flawless. You tell yourself, “I could never have skin like that. They’re so lucky!” Well it’s time we let you in on a secret- it’s not just luck. While we can’t deny the ‘luck of the draw’ of our genetic makeup as a contributing factor to overall skin health, skin is affected by numerous external factors such as the environment & lifestyle. When it comes to finding the pot of gold (healthy, glowing skin in our case), a combination of in-office aesthetic treatments, a solid at-home skincare regimen, & general wellness are the keys to maintaining & rejuvenating your skin’s youthful appearance. GET TO KNOW YOUR SKIN TYPE One of the biggest factors of skin type is DNA, which means you may be genetically predisposed to how your skin regularly behaves on its own. But genes are just the starting point. Fresh, healthy skin is about habits practiced day in & day out. The same way healthy lifestyle choices will reduce your risk for things like heart disease & diabetes, you also have control over how your skin ages. In fact, research has found that up to 40 percent of factors that age us are non-genetic.

REGULAR FACIALS Regularly scheduled facials will cleanse pores, exfoliate dead skin cells, hydrate & restore the skin’s natural barrier function & more. And let’s face it…they help you feel relaxed, too! If there are additional areas of concern, such as fine lines & wrinkles, pigmentation, acne, browns or reds, etc. one of our aestheticians will recommend the appropriate treatment for achieving the best results. A360 Advice: Experience the next level in advanced skin renewal with The SaltFacial. AESTHETICS 360° is the first & only MediSpa in the state to offer this exciting treatment. The SaltFacial Skin Renewal Therapy™ is a relaxing, 3-step process designed to restore, replenish, & rejuvenate all skin types, delivering noticeable results after just one treatment. Painless. No irritation. No downtime. It’s more than just a facial! SLEEP It seems obvious, but it requires mentioning. No matter how busy or how distracted you feel, sleep is needed as the for your skin & body to regenerate itself. At night, cell mitosis—cell division that renews & repairs skin—is at its peak. “Being sleep-deprived, by contrast, puts stress on the body, causing it to release more adrenaline & cortisol, which can trigger breakouts & other skin problems”, says Barbara R. Reed, a clinical professor of dermatology at the University of Colorado, Denver. NEVER LEAVE THE HOUSE WITHOUT THIS (No, it’s not your phone) Did you guess it? The answer is sunscreen. The #1 cause of the signs we associate with aging is damage from the sun’s rays. Make sure your sunscreen is at least SPF 30 & it should also be Broad Spectrum, meaning it will protect you from both UVA & UVB rays. Take note that sunscreen isn’t just for sunny days at the beach. Raining? Wear it. Snowing? Wear it. This can help our skin decelerate the aging process & avoid more serious damage like skin cancer. COMMITMENT & MAINTENANCE Don’t just accept your skin’s destiny: control it. Taking care of your skin isn’t much different from going to the gym. Both require regular dedication & commitment. As soon as you stop, you lose the benefits & results! This also means not doing too much in the pursuit of “perfect” skin. More is usually not better when it comes to your skin. For example, over applying products or washing your face several times a day can actually worsen skin conditions. A360 Advice: You will see much better results & save more money in the long run if you use one of our medical grade, reputable skin care product lines that are not available for purchase over the counter. Healthy skin is an investment & one of the first things people will notice about you. There’s no reason to take the easy (or cheapest) way out when caring for it. Remember, not everyone is naturally blessed with good skin. With realistic expectations & commitment to a personalized daily skin care routine, there’s no reason why you can’t see a significant improvement in the quality of your skin. So, go ahead & make the investment in skin that looks & feels good…it’s well worth it .