Why We Love the BBL HERO Laser

Why We Love the BBL HERO Laser

Just when we thought we couldn’t love BroadBand Light treatments any more, a HERO emerged … (No, it’s not Superman — but close!)

A cutting-edge laser by Sciton, BBL HERO’s technology is faster and stronger than traditional intense pulsed light (IPL) treatments. And with AESTHETICS 360° bringing the technology to Milwaukee in late 2020, we just can’t stop talking about this superhero of a laser.



Our new, state-of-the-art HERO laser combines the BBL Forever Young technology with the BBL Forever Body technology into one laser that delivers results with four times the speed to treat skin conditions like freckles, age spots, rosacea, acne and more. Upper layers of skin are gently heated by light energy, absorbing into the targeted areas. Skin cells are stimulated and regenerated, helping to restore skin to a rejuvenated, smooth and vibrant appearance. (Learn more about treatments that tackle sun damage here!)

So, what exactly sets BBL HERO apart from other IPL treatments? Let’s take a look:

1. BBL HERO is a new take on IPL treatments, which use dual-lamps to deliver visible and infrared light. The upgraded BBL HERO does all of that with increased speed, higher peak power and twice the cooling capacity of the original technology to minimize irritation. It’s no wonder HERO stands for High Energy, Rapid Output!

2. Much of the improvements can be credited to the HERO laser’s duration of its pulses. For context, a typical laser might take up to one second for an individual light flash. A BBL HERO pulse can take as little as three milliseconds, which means our clinical aestheticians can complete 1,200-1,500 pulses in a single face session versus 250-350 pulses with the original BBL. Now, that’s pretty darn fast!



3. If you’re curious what this super speed means in practice, our A360 clinical aestheticians are most excited about how the upgraded technology — which has three times the power of traditional IPL — has improved their treatments. The technology allows Aaron and Suzy to move the hand piece in fluid motion, making treating the face, hands, arms, legs, back and chest much easier. The upgraded technology allows for multiple passes of each treatment area and the changing of filters in between to address multiple skin concerns in a single visit. Plus, did we mention its more comfortable than the BBL of the past? (Find out even more about why we love BBL treatments here!)


Before and After BBL HERO


Holding out for a HERO? Your wait is over. But remember, BBL treatments are best completed before summer — so you only have a few more weeks to take advantage of this super technology before fall. In other words: Contact us TODAY for a personalized consultation with one of our A360 clinical aestheticians, A-list.

(Learn more about additional treatments to try before the start of summer here!)


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