Planning Your Wedding? Here’s Your Ultimate Guide to Bridal Skin Treatments (and Grooms)

Planning Your Wedding? Here’s Your Ultimate Bridal and Groom Beauty Guide to Prepare

There’s nothing more exciting than finally marrying the love of your life. While wedding planning—from guests to flowers and everything else (whew!)—can be a huge stressor, we’ve got you covered with your wedding beauty prep needs! 

Every bride and groom wants to look their absolute best on their wedding day, and our team at AESTHETICS 360° would love to help you get there. You don’t want to wait until the last minute to get the ball rolling, so here’s a guide to bridal skin treatments in Milwaukee (and even body treatments) to help get you to your big day! 

Let’s get physical 

Whether you’re trying to lose weight, tone up or simply become healthier before your wedding, aim to start the journey at least six months before. Changing your diet and lifestyle takes time, and you don’t want to rush the process. Actually, if you wait until the last minute, it may lead you to go on crash diets, which often aren’t the best options. 

But don’t they show results?

Well, possibly. It may sound easier to go on some “fad diet”’ and lose 30 pounds in 30 days. However, not only is that super unhealthy, most people end up going back to their usual lifestyle once the diet is complete, which is not ideal. The truth is, you’re more likely to stay fit and healthy if you give yourself the necessary time. If anything, you should consult your physician before starting any kind of diet change, especially when you plan on restricting calories. 

While making small changes won’t give you overnight results, they could make maintaining those changes a lot easier. Here are a few quick tips you could implement to help get your body wedding dress ready. 

Pay attention to what you’re drinking

Some people eat extremely healthy yet still have trouble losing weight. Whenever you’re counting calories, you cannot ignore beverages. That “harmless” coffee you get at Starbucks every morning could be adding hundreds of calories to your day without you even knowing. A great pre-wedding habit to try is limiting how many high-calorie drinks you have each day. If you really want to switch things up, try drinking water only. You may even notice your skin feeling more hydrated as a result. 

Do something active each day

We aren’t saying you should engage in strenuous physical activity every day (rest days are crucial), but we are saying moving your body each day can have a huge impact on your body. Even if you’re not a person who goes to the gym, there are simple ways you can incorporate getting more active on a daily basis, including: 

    • Walking your dog in the morning 
    • Parking further away in parking lots
    • Taking the stairs instead of elevators
    • Going on bike riding dates with your significant other 

Find ways to limit stress

Since stress raises cortisol levels and, in turn, unhealthy cravings, finding ways to limit stress can help keep your weight down. Not everything works for everyone, but meditating, indulging in pamper days, practicing yoga and even speaking to a therapist can reduce stress levels. Plus, when you live a stress-free life, you might find yourself happier with a more positive outlook on life. 

Fill your plate with lots of vegetables

The great thing about vegetables is they are typically very low in calories, yet high in fiber. That means you can add more to your plate without having to fear eating too much. For example, for dinner, instead of having equal servings of protein, carbs and veggies, try filling half your plate with vegetables. In doing so, you’ll probably have less room for the more calorie-dense foods. 

Limit eating out to once a week

If you’re a person who eats out every day or multiple times a week (fast food included), you could be consuming way more than you think. Even a salad from McDonald’s can come with a hefty number of calories. It may be difficult at first, but if you limit eating out, you may notice your bridal body appearing without even dieting. An added bonus? You could be saving a lot of money, too (which means more for bridal skin treatments ). 

Okay, so we’ve been holding out a little bit. While we highly recommend eating healthy and staying active, there’s also a body-contouring aesthetic treatment we believe is pretty cool. And the best part is, it doesn’t require any surgery, anesthesia or major downtime. 

What is it?

It’s the one and only CoolSculpting procedure. By using ice-cold temperatures (a.k.a. Cryolipolysis technology), this non-invasive treatment targets, freezes and kills fat cells. Once those fat cells are gone, they can’t come back. See, we told you it’s pretty cool.

Because of its versatility, CoolSculpting works on both men and women, and it can treat a variety of areas, including the:

  • Chin
  • Upper arms
  • Abdomen
  • Muffin top
  • Bra back fat
  • Thighs

Read next: Under the radar CoolSculpting treatment areas to consider →

After a series of treatments, you may notice your body appearing more toned and contoured. You may even be able to take your dress or suit in a notch.

Side note: Please don’t try cryolipolysis at home.  

Get started with skin and body care

Sometimes life gets the best of us, and we start neglecting our skin. Six to eight months before your wedding is the perfect time to revamp your skincare routine. This gives you time to find out what works for you and which products may irritate your skin. The last thing you’d want to do is try something new right before your wedding and end up with a red, peeling or tight face. We highly recommend using medical-grade skincare products to drench your skin with the highest quality ingredients possible. 

Effective Medical-Grade Skincare Products of 2020 →

You should implement a morning and night skincare routine that might include cleansing, toning, serums, moisturizers and of course you can’t forget the SPF. Work with your A360 aesthetician to find a routine that’s the perfect prescription for your skin. In general, here are a few ingredients you should look for:

  • Hyaluronic acid: moisturizes the skin and keeps your cells plump
  • Glycolic acid: increases cellular turnover to reduce dark spots, fine lines and unwanted texture
  • Retinol: reduces sun damage and fights against wrinkles and aging 
  • Vitamin C: brightens the skin, can help boost collagen and elastin and fights damaging effects of free radicals 
  • Salicylic acid: fights against acne breakouts and exfoliates the skin (often listed as BHA)

Again, to know which ingredients might work best for your skin, you can always speak to one of our team members and we’ll be happy to help. 

Getting on top of regular facial treatments might also boost your skin. Some of our favorite pre-wedding skin treatments include:

Take Your Skin to the Next Level with Microneedling →

While you’re creating a routine for your face, it’s important to not ignore your body. When showering, use a mild soap that won’t dry out the skin. You also want to exfoliate once a week to avoid the buildup of dead skin. If you truly want silky, smooth skin, we highly recommend starting laser hair removal treatment. That way you won’t have to worry about constant shaving and/or waxing. 

Take years off your age (or maintain your youthful appearance)

Whether you’re in your 20s, 30s, 40s or beyond, it’s never too early (or too late) to implement steps to try to reverse the aging clock. Along with a great skincare routine, there are different anti-aging treatment options that could have your significant other saying “wow” the moment you step down the aisle. 

Why does aging happen?

The obvious answer is, well … time. You can’t stop aging completely, and as years go by, your skin will start making changes. Our facial muscles and fat pads underneath the skin start to shift downward and, as a result, the overlying skin goes along with it! Skin may not appear as youthful looking or plump as we produce less collagen and elastin as the years go by. Genetics, lifestyle and external factors play a big part as well.

One of those external factors: the sun. You’ve probably already heard the sun emits harmful rays that damage the skin. When you’re young, your skin doesn’t show that damage, but once you enter your 30s, all that sun damage starts to emerge. That’s why it’s incredibly important to wear SPF everyday—a practice that should start in your teens. 

If you’re starting to notice fine lines, skin laxity, and other signs of aging (or you want to work to prevent premature aging) there are definitely ways to help. 


Ideally, you will want to do a “trial run” with any injectable treatment you receive.  If you’re considering Botox and have never had it before, have your first treatment about five months before the wedding. This will allow you to “wear your result” for the full treatment duration and decide if you like it. Then when it wears off in three to four months, get your next treatment about six weeks before the big day and you will know exactly what to expect.

Read to learn all about injectable treatments in Milwaukee →


Botox is a neurotoxin that inhibits muscle contractions that lead to wrinkles and fine lines. A lot of people believe neurotoxins can cause unnatural freezing (and who wants that for their wedding?), but that’s not the case. An experienced Aesthetic Nurse Specialist, such as our experts here at A360, will listen to your concerns and goals. A natural result that is harmonious to other facial features can be achieved. Botox results will start to take place two-to-five days after injection, and continue to evolve up to two weeks. At two weeks, we can adjust dosing if needed. Results will last three to four months, on average.

Dermal fillers

Dermal fillers help restore contour, smooth furrows and folds, and help to create a natural, rejuvenated appearance. Fillers are made with pure hyaluronic acid to plump and restore your face. Plus, you can even inject fillers into your lips to get that perfect “you may now kiss the bride” pucker. 

Learn about five lip filler myths you should 100% ignore. →

Other than lip fillers, you can also try: 


Kybella gets rid of unwanted chin fat once and for all (did you know a “double chin” could make you appear older?). With working out and dieting, you can’t target where you lose fat—that’s all genetics. Unfortunately, some people are more predisposed to have chin fat than others. By using deoxycholic acid (a natural chemical found in your body), Kybella targets and destroys fat cells. That means you could achieve that structured jawline you’ve always wanted, just in time for your wedding! 

Laser and other skin treatments

Laser and light energy are known treatments to rejuvenate the skin to fight visible signs of aging. Plus, laser technology has come a long way, and now it’s safe for a variety of skin tones and types. 

Forever Young BBL 

Forever Young BBL uses light energy to stimulate collagen production and smooth the skin. Most people get the best results after three treatments spaced four weeks apart, so we recommend starting early enough to see results before your wedding date. 

Turn Back the Clock with Forever Young BBL →

BBL Photofacial

BBL Photofacial penetrates the skin with the world’s strongest intense pulsed light (IPL) to help with discoloration and texture. If you suffer from age spots, rosacea, chronic redness, freckles or broken capillaries, this is a great bridal skin treatment to even out your complexion. We offer BBL Hero technology, which is the most advanced broadband light technology on the market.

Always, always, always plan ahead

No matter what you do before your wedding, you always want to have a concrete plan. That means schedule all of your appointments ahead of time, including your follow-up visits. In doing so, you can ensure you can get on the schedule without a problem. 

Learn more about bridal skin treatments from the experts at AESTHETICS 360°.

At AESTHETICS 360° in Milwaukee, we can give you a new way to feel. We offer what our clients often tell us are the best medical spa treatments to rejuvenate your skin and body. Our entire staff is dedicated to helping every single client look and feel their best every day. 

Contact us or use our virtual consultation tool to tell us about your needs and schedule a free 45-minute consultation. 

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